💡 Struggling with scattered focus and low satisfaction in your work?

💡 Struggling with scattered focus and low satisfaction in your work?

The Prosperous Creative Mini-Course is a radical reset technique designed to help you regain focus, boost your work satisfaction, and ignite your heart-driven creative spark. 🔥✨

So if you’d like to consistently stay on target, be in your natural creative flow (whether Neurodiverse or suspecting), and get things done and out in the world in a way that suits you best, SAY YAAAY in an email 👇🏼😀 and I’ll send you the link to get free access now!






🔥 Ready to break free from the chains of self-doubt and perfectionism?

🔥 Ready to break free from the chains of self-doubt and perfectionism?

It’s time to step into your power and embrace your creative potential with The Prosperous Creative Mini-Course!

My radical reset technique is designed for heart-centred professionals, where you consider yourself as NeuroDiverse or not! 💪🎨

I giving free access for a limited time, so if you’d like to consistently stay on target, be in your natural creative flow, and get things done and out in the world in a way that suits you best, SAY YAAAY in an email 👇🏼😀 and I’ll send you the link!



#ProsperousCreative #HeartCentred #BreakFree

The struggles of NeuroDiverse creative beings are real.

The struggles of NeuroDiverse creative beings are real.

My journey unknowingly began with school exam results that made me feel inadequate through a system favouring the narrow view of ‘intelligence’.

I then carried frustration, resentment and the feeling of being misunderstood for years, believing I wasn’t a ‘communicator’ or a ‘business’ person, but more an artistic person.

Listening and playing music was my daily (and hourly) place of greatness and solace, regulating my nervous system to highest heights.

Yet, avoiding speaking-up led to missed opportunities in life, developing social anxieties, and mental health struggles, culminating in a psychosis crisis at 22.

Natural recovery through reflexology within 14 weeks of care opened a new path for me in massage therapy.

At 33, Osteopathic and deep holistic health studies ensued, and a dyslexia diagnosis during the masters degree brought relief, confidence, and a revelation of my Unique Learning Ability.

Pandemic-era explorations in hands-free care, mentorship and coaching propelling me into high-performance, self-awareness, speaking/communication, mental fitness, marketing/business, and heart-led leadership.

Now, after 25 transformative years and condensing more and more focus, I’ve shifted from confusion to knowing how to thrive, helping other wonderful ND’ers heal physically, emotionally, and mentally through unlocking their creative flow. Unveiling a new vision, I’ve converted ‘dysfunction’ into an incredible outlook for myself and society going forward!

… So I can now shift unhelpful stories of anxiety and depression in each moment, not just accepting what was ‘dysfunctional’ about me and society, but CONVERTING to an incredible vision and outlook for the world!

My true self.

I don’t want anyone to have to go through what I went through, especially for so long.

Not expressing what they want, when they want to, and losing all those opportunities to create the results they truly desire, affecting relationships, health, work, finances, productivity, creative flow, and ultimately, happiness.

We all learn and respond to things uniquely.

We all remember and work things out differently.

We can understand how to lead ourselves and others compassionately and in adaptable ways.

People often ask me, ‘Can you help me with my doubts, scatteredness, stress, communication, and bad habits?’

… and the answer is yes!

I support ND individuals, guiding them to feel valued and celebrate their Unique Learning Abilities.

Through personalised support, my aim is to enable them to navigate the world on their terms, fostering a sense of empowerment, understanding, and celebration of their diverse gifts and talents.

I recognise the real challenges that often manifest in behaviours, choices, and actions, hindering their personal growth.

Whether you’re a learner, teacher, team player, leader, employee, or manager, my approach is rooted in finding individualised strategies.

I believe in fostering compassionate self-leadership and adaptable communication, addressing doubts, scatter, stress, and unhealthy habits, ultimately guiding individuals towards a path of self-discovery and positive change.


Do you consider yourself as Neurodiverse and want to rule your thoughts, creativity, and productivity?

Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to:
Design, build and benefit from your own specialised Emotional Freedom & Laser-Focused Productivity routine, and unleash a visionary creative project in 8 weeks or less.

Are you ready?

Because it’s time for the next Level-Up Your Life 8-week programme for Neurodiverse Creatives

Launching December 6th every Wednesday at 19.30 uk time!

4 more super-subidised spots at £550! (then the last 5 slots at full £1500 price)

(The only time it will be this price!)

Message me with any questions


… or reply ‘let’s go’ if you want to jump straight on a call to explore what’s possible for you today!

Do you crave letting go of what you’re ‘supposed to do’ and ride a wave of enjoying the variety of experiences life has to offer?

W o R k W i T h M e H e R e !

Do you crave letting go of what you’re ‘supposed to do’ and ride a wave of enjoying the variety of experiences life has to offer?

Having overcome mental and physical exhaustion in the past, (and even avoided mental illness on 1 significant time in my life), I’ve discovered and developed great tools to navigate my own neurodivergence and overwhelm.

I now feel completely free from the guilt, shame and blame mentalities that can so easily be automatically habituated, especially observed through processes of institutionalisation and passed on throughout society, that used to take up so much of my mental and emotional energy and time, and I can now simply and quickly refocus, working on getting the results I want to create in any moment, which leaves more time for noticing opportunities to play freely wherever possible as a byproduct.

By accessing and using the power of my own unique learning ability, somatic embodywork, heart-fuelled leadership principles, mental fitness trainings, and inner genius-genesis compass, (I call this practice ‘The Sustainable Model of Thinking’), I can directly tapp into my intuition, springboard off my insecurities into the unknown, and habitually enjoy what life can bring, and possibilities for enjoyment are noticed and captured frequently now.

(This includes being open enough to play drums with real-life Sahara desert-dwellers! 😅 😅)


I do believe the world needs amazingly intelligent and sensitive ND creative beings (I call this personality ‘intelligentle’) to step up, contribute their ideas, ways of thinking, and work on getting the results their truly want to create in their lives, (like I’ve learned to), so as to make it a more balanced, healthy, inclusive and better place to live in 🙂

Unless you’re in the very tiny percentage of the population who can simply simultaneously choose to learn and self-motivate into developing the chosen skill without any additional help, (I certainly wasn’t, when it comes to changing beliefs and habits about myself), it takes regular loving guidance, support and feedback to get this stuff reestablished in the nervous system over time and quick enough to make the difference.

I can help an awesome ND creative being like you, or someone you know, to understand how feel valued, heard, and refocused, to therefore define and fulfil their actual dreams!

Simply use or share my ‘Find Your Place in The World’ Connection Call booking link to get the ball rolling:


To the health in you!

– – – – – – – – – –

ps – Here’s a game to play with a prize!

– Share this post with 5 people you know

– If just 1 gets in contact and you let me know, so I know it’s through you, I’ll give you a free 20 minutes lazer-coach call to address any ’emo-gencies’ or challenges you’re facing at the moment!

How does that sound?


Finally, I launched my free specialist teachings community group 😋

Hi everyone!

Finally, I launched my free specialist teachings community group 😋

Some invitations have worked, and some haven’t gotten through, and some of you I’m not directly connected with either way 😅

So for some weekly sourcy spices of life(style), practical mind-management (mind-cruising 😀) ideas, empowering creative flow practice suggestions, come join in the FUNctionality!


Have a looky and check the recent live I did for a taster of what’s to come 🤩✨🫶🏼

Bundles of thanks either way!

My previous lack of self-assurance kept me inside myself and afraid to speak out for so long…

My previous lack of self-assurance kept me inside myself and afraid to speak out for so long.

Discovering how to access my unique learning ability and being coached in connecting to my true self made all the difference!

I help neurodiverse young adults express themselves in the way they dream of, without the fear of speaking up and overloading themselves, so they are able to become self-sufficient and maintain fulfilling relationships.

If you know someone who is struggling with anything like this, please connect us.

The world needs amazingly intelligent and sensitive people to step up, contribute and make it a better place 🙂

#neurodiversity #support #MentalFitness #UniqueLearningAbility

Here’s a concept for you

Young adults and neurodiverse beings!

Here’s a concept for you:

Emotional Freedom Coach DJ:

‘Info, support & guidance to help change the tunes in your mind, one record at a time!’


Tune yourself up!

Tune yourself in!

Self-care includes discovering ‘who can help’, as well as what you can do for yourself.

I’d be very happy to explore that with you 🙂 👇🏼



I especially love to help young adults get unstuck, feel supported, and express themselves fully!

My Xmas Gift … the gift of valuable information!

I just want to take the opportunity to wish you a happy, healthy Xmas and an even more super-charged new year!

Here’s my gift for you:

Winding back through everything that I’ve been exploring, learning and developing in the last year including Lymphatic Health Exercise, Metabolic Health Exercise, Holistic Health Analysis, Nutrition, Osteopathy, Yoga/Qigong and keeping the immune system firing on all cylinders, I’d say this video shares the single-most important piece of lesser-known observational knowledge about health regulation, that I see as a huge missing link to some of the most important issues with human health today.

It’s a humble presentation that is by no means polished and I hope you have the time to give it some good attention.

Whether for general knowledge, building strength/stamina, or wanting to understand more about how to address a health problem, I feel this info should be known by doctors, healthcare practitioners, teachers and the public alike.

… and I’ve been spending all this time since February turning at least 5 years of specialist knowledge into something that I can help people with as online consultations/resources/tools.

It’s certainly an ongoing process!

… and in the coming year, I’m going to concentrate on working with Osteopaths to help further improve the profession and the quality of the information
… and therefore reach those in need on a much more wider scale.

I’d like you to know that I’m here for you and anyone that may need informed options, direction, prioritisation and support to become more healthy, stress resilient and address any issues with chronic health complaints.

Due to the fact that we can sometimes not understand what might be helping or hindering our health, I’m happy to talk with anyone who might be interested in what I do, especially to those who are struggling with isolation, symptoms, poor habits … or whether they’ve been told that nothing is known to help with the condition … or are assuming it’s ‘normal signs of ageing’… or simply wish to feel improvement and try something new to move forwards with.

So be it moving well, eating well, sleeping well, breathing well, thinking well and/or feeling well, I’m here to help as a gateway to options, guidance and prioritisation by sharing very useful information about self-management as well as look at referral to other forms of treatment and management in the areas we decide that need the work most.

All the best

Rory Lemon (M.Ost)