πŸ’‘ Struggling with scattered focus and low satisfaction in your work?

πŸ’‘ Struggling with scattered focus and low satisfaction in your work?

The Prosperous Creative Mini-Course is a radical reset technique designed to help you regain focus, boost your work satisfaction, and ignite your heart-driven creative spark. πŸ”₯✨

So if you’d like to consistently stay on target, be in your natural creative flow (whether Neurodiverse or suspecting), and get things done and out in the world in a way that suits you best, SAY YAAAY in an email πŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ˜€ and I’ll send you the link to get free access now!






🌻 Are you a heart-centred professional feeling stuck in a cycle of self-blame, creativity blocks, and dissatisfaction?

🌻 Are you a heart-centred professional feeling stuck in a cycle of self-blame, creativity blocks, and dissatisfaction?

I put together The Prosperous Creative Mini-Course, here to help you break the cycle and start living the life of your dreams! 🌈✨

I giving free access for a limited time, so if you’d like to consistently stay on target, be in your natural creative flow, and get things done and out in the world in a way that suits you best, SAY YAAAY in an email πŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ˜€ and I’ll send you the link!






πŸ”₯ Ready to break free from the chains of self-doubt and perfectionism?

πŸ”₯ Ready to break free from the chains of self-doubt and perfectionism?

It’s time to step into your power and embrace your creative potential with The Prosperous Creative Mini-Course!

My radical reset technique is designed for heart-centred professionals, where you consider yourself as NeuroDiverse or not! πŸ’ͺ🎨

I giving free access for a limited time, so if you’d like to consistently stay on target, be in your natural creative flow, and get things done and out in the world in a way that suits you best, SAY YAAAY in an email πŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ˜€ and I’ll send you the link!



#ProsperousCreative #HeartCentred #BreakFree

Special favour request!

Do you know anyone that needs help redirecting unhealthy cravings and habits, turning their NeuroDiverse creative brilliance into success?

Over the next 5 days I’m giving away 10 free 45-minute ‘Be More, Crave Less’ breakthrough sessions.

If you know anyone who may be interested, can you share these details with them?

What will the call help with?

In the session, I’ll help you get clear on what you want to create in your life, which patterns will be holding you back from success, and you’ll leave the session knowing what your next best step is.

Claim the free call here: https://go.oncehub.com/RoryLemonAid

Thanks so much!

I love this πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

I love this diagram πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

It tickles my joyful pattern-spotting Neurodiverse mind.

I think they forgot one though.

Awesome Neurodiverse individuals who are sick of feeling restless, irritated, and resentful for not putting themselves or their creative work out there, thus not following through on great opportunities to shine.


Maybe you’d like to see your wonderful intuitive brain’s intention move from ‘aimless creativity’ to ‘functional creativity’, being the best version of you that you know you can be?

Feel free to book a completely complementary ‘Pull-Up Your Power’ clarity session, here:


What does it do?

Help you shift you into your world of possibilities, rather than limitations and bad habits.


Time to stop overthinking, scatter, and saying ‘no’ to yourself and the world!

Neurodiverse creatives! How does this sound?

‘Been there, done that, got the juice to go with the t-shirt!’

(Rory lemon, 2023)

Neurodiverse creatives!

How does this sound:

Are you a Neurodiverse Creative who wants to rule your thoughts, feelings, and productivity, becoming the Neo of your own matrix?

Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to: design and declare a powerful creative vision for yourself, build your own personalised Emotional Freedom & Enhanced Productivity (EFEP) routine, and gain measurable results in 8 weeks or less, by sharing your chosen gifts and talents with the world.

Are you ready? ?


It’s time for the Level-Up Your Life 8-week programme for Neurodiverse Creatives

Launching October 11th!

5 more spots at Β£330! / last 5 slots at full Β£1500 price.

This is only time it will be this subsidised price!

Email me back with any questions
or reply ‘let’s go’ if you want to jump straight on a call to explore what’s possible for you today!


Do you crave letting go of what you’re β€˜supposed to do’ and ride a wave of enjoying the variety of experiences life has to offer?

W o R k W i T h M e H e R e !

Do you crave letting go of what you’re β€˜supposed to do’ and ride a wave of enjoying the variety of experiences life has to offer?

Having overcome mental and physical exhaustion in the past, (and even avoided mental illness on 1 significant time in my life), I’ve discovered and developed great tools to navigate my own neurodivergence and overwhelm.

I now feel completely free from the guilt, shame and blame mentalities that can so easily be automatically habituated, especially observed through processes of institutionalisation and passed on throughout society, that used to take up so much of my mental and emotional energy and time, and I can now simply and quickly refocus, working on getting the results I want to create in any moment, which leaves more time for noticing opportunities to play freely wherever possible as a byproduct.

By accessing and using the power of my own unique learning ability, somatic embodywork, heart-fuelled leadership principles, mental fitness trainings, and inner genius-genesis compass, (I call this practice ‘The Sustainable Model of Thinking’), I can directly tapp into my intuition, springboard off my insecurities into the unknown, and habitually enjoy what life can bring, and possibilities for enjoyment are noticed and captured frequently now.

(This includes being open enough to play drums with real-life Sahara desert-dwellers! πŸ˜… πŸ˜…)


I do believe the world needs amazingly intelligent and sensitive ND creative beings (I call this personality ‘intelligentle’) to step up, contribute their ideas, ways of thinking, and work on getting the results their truly want to create in their lives, (like I’ve learned to), so as to make it a more balanced, healthy, inclusive and better place to live in πŸ™‚

Unless you’re in the very tiny percentage of the population who can simply simultaneously choose to learn and self-motivate into developing the chosen skill without any additional help, (I certainly wasn’t, when it comes to changing beliefs and habits about myself), it takes regular loving guidance, support and feedback to get this stuff reestablished in the nervous system over time and quick enough to make the difference.

I can help an awesome ND creative being like you, or someone you know, to understand how feel valued, heard, and refocused, to therefore define and fulfil their actual dreams!

Simply use or share my β€˜Find Your Place in The World’ Connection Call booking link to get the ball rolling:


To the health in you!

– – – – – – – – – –

ps – Here’s a game to play with a prize!

– Share this post with 5 people you know

– If just 1 gets in contact and you let me know, so I know it’s through you, I’ll give you a free 20 minutes lazer-coach call to address any ’emo-gencies’ or challenges you’re facing at the moment!

How does that sound?


Functional Neurodiversity Movement!

I am a functional neurodiversity expert and I’m here on my mission to make the world a better place by helping ‘intelligentle’ people find their voice and get the results they truly want.

I call it ’emotional freedom’ through mental fitness training and deep Somatic Coaching.

My giant VSP is to help 100 million Neurodiverse people celebrate their unique gift and talents with the world to grow awareness, positive impact, and inclusion by May 2033.

Given the optimal environment, information and practice, I believe it’s possible for everyone to learn how to convert the detrimental judgment they subconsciously reserve for themselves and/or others, that causes the continuous wide-spread issues and segregation in the world, that holds back the evolution and sustainable future of the human race and our wonderful planet.

With forgiveness, compassion and gratitude, Rory




Welcome to Connection Club!

Merry Easter!!

… and here’s the details for Connection Club! πŸ˜€

Welcome to Connection Club, guided emergent discussions around mental fitness, emotional adaptability, heart-fuelled leadership, and being amazing in this world today!

A weekly place to explore at 19.30 uk time every Wednesday.

Launching on April 26th with a monthly inspirational guest speaker (last Wednesday of each month), covering many personal, professional, and purpose-led human evolutionary topics from various standpoints and methodologies.

You are invited as a conscious, heart-led creative being, and it’s FREE to jump in for your 1st month, to enjoy this progressive space of powerful visionary intention and motivation for direct unbridled action.


[Zoom link in comments]

Here’s a concept for you

Young adults and neurodiverse beings!

Here’s a concept for you:

Emotional Freedom Coach DJ:

β€˜Info, support & guidance to help change the tunes in your mind, one record at a time!’


Tune yourself up!

Tune yourself in!

Self-care includes discovering β€˜who can help’, as well as what you can do for yourself.

I’d be very happy to explore that with you πŸ™‚ πŸ‘‡πŸΌ



I especially love to help young adults get unstuck, feel supported, and express themselves fully!